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Grain value chain/Zambia - E-voucher to empower smallholder farmers

08 June 2015

The Zambian government is planning to launch a mobile delivery and tracking system (e-Voucher) to distribute subsidized seed and fertilizer through private-sector suppliers to targeted rural smallholder farmers in the grain value chain. According to the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, the e-Voucher system will be launched in 13 districts as pilot projects. Apart from focusing on smallholder farmers, the ministry would soon be engaging seed producers and signing contracts with them on providing farmers under the Farmers Input Support Programme (FISP) with different types of seed. With the e-Voucher system, grain farmer will receive a voucher scratch card offering him/her with a variety of inputs while an agro dealer will supply those inputs and receive instant payment for it. The objective of the system is to eliminate challenges of corruption and delays by cutting off the cooperatives that currently handle most issues between a farmer and an agro supplier.


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