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Dairy value chain/Kenya – Milk preserving technology to boost farmers’ revenue

14 September 2015

A new milk preserving technology that preserves up to a month has helped over 3,000 dairy farmers cut losses they experienced in milk going bad which dominated the dairy industry. The Extended Shelf Life (ESL) technology, works by applying heat indirectly to the milk and reducing the levels of lactose, the natural sugar in the milk that makes the milk go bad, while allowing for better freshness, a natural taste, and no loss of vitamin content. In average, UHT milk (ultra-heat treatment) lasts longer compared to pasteurised milk which last for only 32 hours. The project was first implemented by Limuru Dairy Farmers' Union and benefitted over 1,000 farmers. Farmers have now managed to increase the quantity and quality of milk they sell. Due to poor storage facilities and preservation methods, smallholder famers had to sell their milk at a lower price with fear of spoilage. With this technology, dairy farmers can reduce post harvest losses and maintain the quality of milk sold. The extra days on the shelf is also seen as a huge benefit to dairy companies, allowing them to consolidate operations and extend their distribution chain while opening up new opportunities for marketing milk products to consumers demanding quality and safety. The Extended Shelf Life technology is auspicious news to majority of dairy farmers who recently struggled with a national milk glut due to limited preservation facilities in the country.




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