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Grain value chain/Rwanda - Solar dryers to improve grain quality

17 mars 2015

Adoption of these new productivity-enhancing and post harvest solutions could trigger an agricultural transformation and facilitate the participation of smallholders in the value chain.

Adoption of these new productivity-enhancing and post harvest solutions could trigger an agricultural transformation and facilitate the participation of smallholders in the value chain. Drying maize is a critical step in ensuring the quality required in the market before bagged, in order to avoid fungal growth and contamination. Most of the warehouse receipts are issued once the grain stored reconcile with the required storage standards (e.g. low grain moisture). In order to empower the grain smallholders to meet the storage and grain quality standards, the World Food Programme has donated 60 grain dryers worth approximately €35,000 to small-holder farmers cooperatives countrywide. The grain dryers multi-powered either by solar energy or grid power thus can be used in remote areas where most smallholders are located. Moreover, the dryers support prevention of condensation, moisture ingress, and control of infestation without toxic fumigation.


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