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Rice and Cassava value chain/Cameroon - C2D projects amplify seed multiplication

05 août 2015

The Cameroon French Debt Relief Programme (C2D-PAR) on agricultural research, managed by the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI), was carefully designed to scale-up agricultural production and ensure food security in Cameroon through the provision of improved rice, cassava, plantain, potato and fruit plants. The 2 year program with more than Euros 8 million is hosted by Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) to enhance productivity and competitiveness of cassava and rice value chains as well as dissemination of improved technologies to users. According to the Project Coordinator, C2D-PAR has increased production from 10 to 15 metric tons per hectare, reduced cassava pests and diseases by 10 per cent and provided best quality products for processing. The achievement was contributed by crop rotation techniques as well as the application of mineral and organic fertilizers to enhance soil fertility for rice and cassava production. A major challenge inhibiting rice production in Cameroon is the lack of access to quality seeds. C2D-PAR program has not only been able to multiply quality rice seeds but also managed to transfer technology to common initiative groups on best practices of cultivating rice on an upland farm with respect to seasons.


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